Dyslexia Tutoring: Information about our tutoring for dyslexia

Extracts from Testimonials

Written by parents and students:

“He has gone from feeling inadequate and dumb to being confident in his ability. As parents we are just so delighted and appreciative of this method and the input, skills and experience of Denise, to have been able to improve our child's quality of life and give him a positive view of his future.”

Ken and Serena

“I have just graduated from Auckland University (BA in Sociology and a BSc in Geography). I could hardly read at 12 years old. The tutoring you gave me helped sooo much. Thanks again for all your help in the early days.”


“He now has a glow back in his eyes and no longer has that look of fear when handed a book or a form to fill out. I would highly recommend Denise as a tutor and for her tutoring. They have given our son a chance of a future.”


“I cannot recommend more highly this method of learning. During the past 18 months that Christina has been having tuition, her capacity and retention of spelling has increased, her concentration span has improved and her reading level has risen to a year above her age. She has found real joy in reading. As parents we are blessed that we have found a method that is developing Christina with knowledge and self-confidence.”


“Finley started tuition at age 10 with a spelling age of 6 ½ years. He loved it from the very first lesson, he was enthusiastic, always wanting to go and the proof is in the pudding as they say, before the term was out his spelling age had increased to 9.5 years. He continues to improve. Jeanette gets through to Finley in ways parents are not able to and teachers do not have time for. Fin is more confident at school because of this programme.”


“Lucas started seeing Bev when he was 7 after being diagnosed with dyslexia. Bev patiently worked with Lucas and tailored her approach to suit his personality and challenges. Due to this, Lucas has excelled under Bev's tutoring. Bev's teaching skills are excellent. When Lucas started with Bev he was 2 years behind at school for reading. Lucas could not read and learning to read had become a battle and very negative for him and for us. Now he is reading chapter books for his age on his own and is reading for pure enjoyment.”


“My son James was diagnosed as dyslexic in year 7. All through primary school he considered himself to be stupid as he struggled to write just one sentence and misspelled almost every word. Since this tuition with Denise, who has a talent for making kids feel good about themselves, he has found success and is motivated to learn, now that he has the key. He now writes poetry, does research and publishes his findings by himself. He is achieving very well, scoring high marks in all his end of year exams.”


“Thank you so much Jeanette for all you have helped Savannah to achieve (top of year 11 in English). She is now the confident and happy girl at school and in life we knew she could be.”


“Thank you for helping me with my dyslexia. I have enjoyed coming each week and have learnt heaps.”


“Teachers and you teach us, but you show us how to learn.”


“When Caitlin started school she was excited, to learn but by the end of the year she had lost all her enthusiasm. I wondered why my bright, intelligent girl was struggling so much. Her teacher said she didn't listen, didn't concentrate and just wasn't ready for school. The change after beginning tuition with Jeanette was immediate. Her reading and writing have greatly improved but the change that has been most amazing and makes me so happy is that my daughter has her spark back. Caitlin actually wants to learn again. She is much happier, more confident girl and we will continue with the tuition provided by Jeanette as long as Caitlin needs it.”


“My children, Bruno and Ruby have been attending a one-hour, one-on-one tutoring session with Bev each week for the last few years. Her tutoring has been most effective. The programme with Bev has been invaluable for our children. Before Bruno started with Bev at the age of eight, he was very behind with reading and spelling and we were very concerned. He was not that happy at school and had low self-esteem in the classroom environment. He is a hardworking boy and thanks to this attribute and Bev's excellent help he now has an above-average reading age; he came runner up in the school speech competition, and most importantly has great confidence in himself and his abilities. We couldn't be happier with his progress. I would definitely recommend Bev to any parent whose child has literacy learning difficulties. “


“Finally, it seemed that something could be done to improve our children's reading and spelling and give them a chance to catch up to their peers. For two years both children have had specially designed tuition for dyslexics from Denise. Earlier this year we were short of money and we had to ask them to choose between their music and dancing lessons, or dyslexia tuition. They both said they wanted to continue with their dyslexic tuition because they said it was making such a difference. Both children, for the first time, feel positive about school and more importantly about themselves. The joy that gives us as parents is priceless.”


“The simple fact is that when Ria was 7 years old she was a little girl who desperately wanted to read and write but just could not for the life of her make out the squiggles on the board in class or pages in books. Ria was a girl who used to draw picture books for herself so she could read them. Then one day we discovered Bev and the rest is history.

Ria reads - she is known as a “reader”by her teachers, she is a school librarian, she writes amazing stories and is able to with clarity. She achieves in school and has a quiet confidence in her ability as a learner and literally glows when, at 12 years old, she comes home with a piece of paper saying that her spelling has been tested and she spells at a 16.5 year old age level.

Your patience, support and gentle way with Ria and our whanau over the past 5 years has been invaluable - I can't imagine anyone more suited to have guided Ria (and us) through this process and we are so blessed to have stumbled across you as a tutor.”


“Thank you so much for teaching me all the special tricks for spelling, I have improved so much since I have joined you.”
